Authenticity is as big as the Internet itself
Things are NOT working
“The Internet Is Broken” proclaims the title of an MIT Technology Review cover story, while Stanford University's Clean Slate Initiative explores the idea of scrapping the existing Internet and starting over.
Spam brings us phishing attacks that deliver malware that in turn builds botnets. Fraud and predation pervade everyday online experience. Identities - and cash - are stolen in batches.
While the information security industry assures us “we're working on it,” people grow ever more wary of their Internet experience - even as they come to depend upon it more and more.
All those security problems are an effect of a bigger problem, and that problem is inauthenticity. People and sites are not who and what they claim to be.
The other side of that coin is that if you solve inauthenticity then you solve a lot of other problems. Security is just one of them.
And if you solve inauthenticity you bring new convenience and value to the lives of people in your audience everywhere.
Authenticity™ Works Where Security Technology Has Failed Us.
The solution: AUTHENTICITY™
Please take a moment to read about SECURITY, INSECURITY, and AUTHENTICITY. Then learn how you can profit from The Authenticity Economy by partnering with one or more of the Authenticity Enterprises and their entrepreneurs.
The Internet of People Protocol is part of the Authenticity Infrastructure, which consists of the first six of the twelve components of the Quiet Enjoyment Infrastructure.
The Quiet Enjoyment Infrastructure is provided to the Authenticity Enterprises that are licensees of The Authenticity Institute, Inc.
About The Authenticity Institute
The Authenticity Institute is a business incubator - an authenticity business
incubator. Authenticity is good business. But we’ve learned from experience
that real authenticity requires components that cannot come from commercial enterprise alone; some of
the organizations we incubate are non-commercial and non-profit.
These businesses and organizations are the members of the Authenticity Alliance - enterprises built upon a fundamentally new set of assumptions that are the foundation of their collective mission:
To create a new environment of Authenticity by building an information infrastructure that provides security, accountability, and privacy by
- Establishing measurably reliable identities and
- Designing and building online spaces upon a foundation of reliable identities, PKI, and InDoor™ standards and practices
The Authenticity Institute is a combination incubator and business licensor. While its offerings are legally considered to be certification programs rather than franchises, we use franchise methods and procedures to ensure that our licensees have what they need in order to successfully bring Authenticity to their chosen markets and audiences.
Members of our team have built and managed effective and secure online meeting places for magazine publishers, Fortune 50 computer firms, and others. Our clients enjoy the security that comes from confidence in the identities of those who touch their valuable digital assets and processes.
The Authenticity Infrastructure Vision and support for the enterprises
Our Authenticity Infrastructure is a complete technology, standards, and business platform, bringing intellectual property licensing and support services to member companies of the Authenticity Alliance. Member companies of the Alliance are able to build upon enrollment services, public key certification services and other capabilities to ensure that the identities of individuals are sufficiently reliable for the purposes of the parties that rely upon them. The Authenticity Infrastructure is one of three parts of the Quiet Enjoyment Infrastructure.
The Authenticity Alliance The enterprises
The tools of the Authenticity Infrastructure and (where relevant) the rest of the Quiet Enjoyment Infrastructure are available to qualified entrepreneurs who want to bring Authenticity to their target audiences and markets. Members of the Authenticity Alliance are independent enterprises and noncommercial organizations.
Using a common set of tools, procedures, and standards provided by The Authenticity Institute, each Authenticity Enterprise brings Authenticity solutions to organizations and individuals in its target market in order to solve problems caused by inauthenticity in that market.
The greatest inflection points happen when an entrepreneur offers what people want but didn't know they could have. Authenticity is an eminently producible product that is desperately needed. The enterprises of the Authenticity Alliance bring Authenticity to their chosen markets and audiences, built upon the acclaimed Quiet Enjoyment Infrastructure tools from The Authenticity Institute.
Authenticity Capital Matching resources with entrepreneurs
The mission of Authenticity Capital is to help qualify prospective licensees - entrepreneurs - of The Authenticity Institute and to match them with investors and board members.Authenticity Capital is itself an Authenticity Enterprise.
Our History
Authenticity Institute had its beginnings in the 1990's as The Village Group. After selling its
online services and Web business to NTT Verio,
the company turned its attention to the need for reliable digital identities. Its first project was
the development of the VIVOS Enrollment Workstation. Designed to be used by notaries public with
minimal training,
VIVOS binds biometrics of subjects to digital identity certificates.
Digital identity certificates imply PKI. In the process of writing a book about about a hypothetical world public key infrastructure built upon reliable identity certificates, our CIO was introduced to a group at the International Telecommunication Union that was attempting to implement a world PKI that was similar to the one he envisioned. In 2002 The Village Group became a charter signatory to the International Telecommunication Union's World e-Trust Initiative. The company is now a Sector Member of the ITU.
At the Quiet Enjoyment Infrastructure meeting at ITU headquarters in Geneva on March 7, 2005, representatives of the ITU, the International Union of the Latin Notariat, and the media were presented with our vision of the component of QEI that has to do with certification by duly constituted public authority. The group wrote the first draft of the charter of an online World City Hall, using the authority of the ITU, which would serve as certification authority to the world.
In 2007 our founding entrepreneur was appointed to one of the five Individual Experts positions in the High Level Experts Group of the ITU's Global Cybersecurity Agenda. http:/
Management Team
The mission of The Authenticity Institute and Authenticity Capital is to incubate enterprises that are built upon, and which help to deploy, the Authenticity Infrastructure. Necessarily that means we not only wear many hats, but we change hats frequently. Partly for that reason, and partly because it reflects our view of what's needed to prevail in the age of agile, flattened organizations, each of us carries the same title: Entrepreneur.